Sunday, February 11, 2007

John Ledyard

Sjuk CV killen har (bl.a. traskar han från Sverige till St Petersburg, runt bottniska viken, bara för att mindre än ett år senare bli arresterad som fransk spion i Sibirien):

Born in Groton, Connecticut
Enters Dartmouth College intending to train to be a missionary to Native Americans
April 1773
Quits Dartmouth, escapes down the Connecticut River by canoe
Late 1773
Employed as a sailor on the ship of Captain Richard Deshon, visits Barbary Coast and West Indies
Enlists as corporal in the British Navy
Takes part in Captain Cook's third voyage to the Pacific--visits South Pacific islands, Alaska, Kamchatka, and south China
October 1778
Meets Russian fur traders at Unalaska Island in first contact between Russians and Americans in the Pacific
February 1779
Captain Cook killed by Hawaiians
November 1785
Begins to plan a voyage across Russia, through Siberia, to Alaska, and across North America to Virginia
February 1786
Thomas Jefferson, U.S. minister to France, begins negotiating with Russian government concerning Ledyard's trip
Winter 1786-1787
Ledyard walks from Stockholm, Sweden, around the Gulf of Bothnia to St. Petersburg--arrives in St. Petersburg in March
June 1787
Departs St. Petersburg for Siberia
September 1787
Arrives in Iakutsk, having hiked, hitched rides, and canoed across Siberia
January 1788
Arrested as a French spy in Irkutsk
March 1788
Deported across the Russian border to Poland
Speculates on the relationship between Asian and American aborigines
June 1788
Leaves London to explore the Niger River in Africa
January 1789
Dies in Cairo, Egypt, at the age of thirty-seven

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